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Saturday Prizes - Sunday - Sunday Prizes - Tournament Winners - Home


Q3 1v1 Tournament brackets


jargirl manages the tournament, Trinity checks out the server list.


GTV was on a 30 second delay showing some of the matches. 


One of our frequented eating tables... 


where a lot of this kind of food was eaten all weekend.


Some ate out, while others send couriers off with long lists of fast food orders.


Movies and videos were watched on many computers.  Check out this cool lighting system for late-night lanning!


Phred and Gouki our resident OSP gurus.


A trophy and some Bawls... what more can you ask for? 


Flav gave away some Porivo shirts


An event that was met with much rejoicing.


Parthenon's glowing machine setup.  Chicks dig it.


What a busy weekend, smeg is TIRED.  See you next time!

Overview - Setup/Cleanup - Staff - People - Room - Friday - Saturday
Saturday Prizes - Sunday - Sunday Prizes - Tournament Winners - Home

Gamers' Gauntlet - A F.R.A.G. Staff Production
All content and original artwork copyright © 1999-2001